Cervical cancer resources

This page regroups important resources on cervical cancer elimination such as infographics, videos, documents and links.

What is cervical cancer? illustration

UICC works closely with the World Health Organization (WHO), other UN agencies and partners towards the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem in support of the WHO-led Global Strategy to accelerate the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem, launched on 17 November 2020.

UICC is calling for urgent national commitments to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and the elimination of cervical cancer. To that end, this page serves as a comprehensive hub of resources on cervical cancer elimination, including educational tools, social media materials, advocacy resources, opinion from key experts, and external links to reports, strategies and publications. 

Cervical cancer videos

What is cervical cancer video
Conquering cervical cancer video
Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer video
Financing for cervical cancer elimination video
Turn back the clock on cervical cancer video
Video: accelerating equitable access to innovative technologies for cervical cancer elimination
Eliminating Cervical Cancer - A Call to Action video

Cervical cancer Virtual Dialogues

Virtual Dialogue: Implementing 70:90
Cervical Cancer Elimination series Virtual dialogue
Special Focus Dialogue – Cervical Cancer Elimination Virtual Dialogue
Cervical Cancer Elimination series roadmap virtual dialogue
UICC Special Focus Dialogue on Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer infographics

Cervical cancer document
Download (
81.91 KB
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51.84 KB
Estimated age-standardized incidence rates (World) in 2020, cervix uteri, females, all ages
Virologist Harald zur Hausen discovered how cervical cancer is triggered by virus infections. His work led to the creation of the HPV vaccine which cuts the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Social media materials

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3 MB
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3.12 MB

This course and the cervical cancer handbook, were developed by UICC as part of the Unitaid-funded "Scale-Up Cervical Cancer Elimination with Secondary prevention Strategy" (SUCCESS) project.

Access the course

Download the handbook 

Ce cours et le manuel de plaidoyer sur le cancer du col de l'utérus ont été développés par l'UICC dans le cadre du projet "Scale-Up Cervical Cancer Elimination with Secondary prevention Strategy" financé par Unitaid.

Accéder au cours 

Télécharger le manuel

Este curso y el manual sobre el cáncer de cuello de útero han sido desarrollados por la UICC como parte del proyecto "Scale-Up Cervical Cancer Elimination with Secondary prevention Strategy" financiado por Unitaid.

Access the course 

Download the handbook

Cervical cancer reports

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987.55 KB
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
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7.43 MB
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882.56 KB
The Economist - Intelligence Unit
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928.63 KB
The Economist - Intelligence Unit
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950.39 KB
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4.72 MB
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4.76 MB
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6.41 MB
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6.58 MB
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5.86 MB
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5.88 MB
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6.38 MB

Other cervical cancer documents

Investing in Global Cervical Cancer Prevention
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1.5 MB
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5.58 MB
Cover of the global strategy to acceleration the elimination...
World Health Organization (WHO)
Download (
119.55 KB
World Health Organization (WHO)
Download (
142.72 KB
SD HPV External FAQ cover
Download (
344.18 KB
The Lancet Logo
The Lancet Logo

Latest news and blog articles about cervical cancer

Better Together: the power of people with lived experience in tackling cervical cancer

Diverse group of people standing in rows on a staircase, the TNM Core Committee
Matejka Rebolj PhD,
Jane Rigney MPH
Read more

How mathematical modelling shapes public health policies: cervical cancer prevention

Close up of a patient receiving an injection
Kate Simms
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Gender norms, myths and misconceptions in cancer care

3 people in a hospital
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Renewed commitments and calls to action to bridge gaps in care for women’s cancers

Small crowd outdoors before a white colonnaded building, with palm trees.
Read more

Tackling cervical cancer in Burkina Faso: a comprehensive approach by COBUCAN

Staff photo of COBUCAN, the Burkinabe Coalition Against Cancer
Read more

Intensifying efforts to eliminate cervical cancer

Women in pink
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Two black women hugging each other

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally and currently, one life is lost every two minutes to this disease.

SUCCESS Project in Guatemala 90-70-90

UICC works closely with the World Health Organization (WHO), other UN agencies and partners towards the elimination of cervical cancer as a public health problem.

Last update

Monday 18 December 2023

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